There was once a learned gentleman who was deputed to examine and report upon the archives of the Cathedral of Southminster. The examination of these records demanded a very considerable expenditure of time: hence it became advisable for him ... Read more of An Episode Of Cathedral History at Scary Stories.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Speaking Writing Articles

The Pronouns
Very many mistakes occur in the use of the pronouns. "Let you...

The Split Infinitive
Even the best speakers and writers are in the habit of placin...

Expressive Of Writer
Style is expressive of the writer, as to who he is and what h...

Formal Invitations
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagstaff request the ...

This Muchthus Much
"This much is certain" should be "Thus much or so much is cer...

Indispensable Books
Homer, Dante, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Goethe. (The best...

Past Perfect Tense
Sing. Plural ...

A Good Library
Besides the works mentioned everyone should endeavor to have ...


Divisions of Grammar Definitions - Etymology.

Sing. Plural
1st person If I had loved If we had loved
2nd person If you had loved If you had loved
3rd person If he had loved If they had loved

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