About three miles from the little town of Norton, in Missouri, on the road leading to Maysville, stands an old house that was last occupied by a family named Harding. Since 1886 no one has lived in it, nor is anyone likely to live in it ag... Read more of A Vine On A House at Scary Stories.caInformational Site Network Informational
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These verbs are very often confounded. Rise is to move or pas...

Figurative Language
In Figurative Language we employ words in such a way th...

In the following examples the word or words in parenthe...

Interruption In Conversation
Interruption, more surely than anything else, kills convers...

The transitive verb lay, and lay, the past tense of the neute...

Present Past Perfect ...

The Split Infinitive
Even the best speakers and writers are in the habit of placin...

A letter is a mark or character used to represent an articula...


Divisions of Grammar Definitions - Etymology.

A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun; as, "John gave his pen to
James and he lent it to Jane to write her copy with it." Without
the pronouns we would have to write this sentence,--"John gave John's pen
to James and James lent the pen to Jane to write Jane's copy with the

There are three kinds of pronouns--Personal, Relative and Adjective

Personal Pronouns are so called because they are used instead of the
names of persons, places and things. The Personal Pronouns are I,
Thou, He, She, and It, with their plurals, We, Ye or You
and They.

I is the pronoun of the first person because it represents the person

Thou is the pronoun of the second person because it represents the
person spoken to.

He, She, It are the pronouns of the third person because they
represent the persons or things of whom we are speaking.

Like nouns, the Personal Pronouns have number, gender and case. The
gender of the first and second person is obvious, as they represent the
person or persons speaking and those who are addressed. The personal
pronouns are thus declined:

First Person.
M. or F.

Sing. Plural.
N. I We
P. Mine Ours
O. Me Us

Second Person.
M. or F.

Sing. Plural.
N. Thou You
P. Thine Yours
O. Thee You

Third Person.

Next: M.


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