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=73. Direct Quotations
Quotation-marks are used to set off direct
quotations printed in the same type and style as the remainder of the
story. A quotation coming within a quotation is set off by single
quotation-marks; and a third quotation coming within single
quotation-marks is set off by double marks again. Do not fail to put
"quotes" at the end of a quotation. This very common error, failure to
include the "end quotes," is a source of great annoyance to printers and

=74. Quoted Paragraphs
When a quotation includes more than one
paragraph set in the same type and style as the context, put
quotation-marks at the beginning of each paragraph, but omit them at the
end of every paragraph except the last. In this way the quotation is
shown to be continuous. As a rule, a quotation of more than one sentence
is written in a separate paragraph. When the quotation is to be set in
smaller type than the body of the story, all quotation-marks at the
beginning and end of the paragraphs are omitted.

=75. Quotations and Summaries
When reporting a speech or interview
and alternately summarizing and quoting verbatim, do not include in the
same paragraph a direct quotation and a condensed summary of what
precedes or follows. Make a separate paragraph for each. Thus:

"Shall we continue to listen to a wandering voice as
imbecile as our condition?" said the speaker. "When
this voice recently was removed from the counsels of
our government, we thought, good easy souls, that we
had got rid of it forever. Has Mr. Bryan proved
himself so good a prophet in the past that we can
afford to trust him in the future? Personally, I
have never believed in Mr. Bryan's wisdom, and I
grant him sincerity only because the point is not
worth arguing."

Mr. Eastbrook said, amid applause, that to say the
nation is too big or too proud to fight in
self-defense is absurd. To say that a mob of a
million or so of untrained citizenry could leap to
arms and put to flight the bullet-tested soldiery of
Europe is worse than puerile--is murderous
stupidity, he declared....

=76. Books, Plays, etc
Enclose in quotation-marks the titles of
books, dramas, songs, poems, stories, magazine articles, toasts, and

=77. Newspapers, Vessels, etc
Do not quote the names of newspapers,
magazines, paintings, vessels, cars, or animals.

=78. Slang and Technical Terms
Enclose in quotation-marks slang and
technical terms that are supposedly unfamiliar to the reader.

=79. Nicknames
Do not quote nicknames of persons or of characters in
plays or novels: as, Ty Cobb, T. R., Heinie Zim, Becky Sharp,

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