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What is the signification of A as a Prefix?
Is A as a prefix ever redundant?
Give examples
What does the prefix Ab signify?
What does Ab signify?
What is the signification of Ante?
Name all the prefixes meaning To
What does Anti signify?
What does Bis signify?
What other prefix means the same?
What does Be signify?
What does Circum signify?
What is the meaning of Cis?
What prefixes signify With?
What prefixes signify Against?
What does Di signify?
What prefixes signify Out of, or From?
What does Dys signify?
What does Enter signify?
What does Epi signify?
What prefix signifies Equal?
What does Extra signify?
What is the signification of Eu?
What does Gain signify?
What is the signification of Hex?
What does Hyper signify?
What does Hypo signify?
What prefixes signify Not or In?
What is the signification of Inter?
What does Intra signify?
What other prefix means the same as Intra?
What is the signification of Juxta?
What does Mal signify?
What is the signification of Meta?
What does Mis signify?
What is the signification of Mono?
What prefixes signify Many?
What does Non signify?
What other prefixes signify Not?
What does Ob signify?
What does Oct signify?
What does Omni signify?
What is the signification of Out?
What does Over signify?
What does Ovi signify?
What does Para signify?
What is the signification of Pene?
What does Per signify?
What does Peri signify?
What does Pleni signify?
What does Post signify?
What does Pre signify?
What is the signification of Preter?
What is the signification of Pro?
What does Pros signify?
What is the signification of Proto?
What does Quad signify?
What does Re signify?
What prefixes signify Right?
What does Retro signify?
What does Se signify?
What prefixes signify Half?
What does Sine signify?
What does Stereo signify?
What does Sub signify?
What does Super signify?
What does Suf signify?
What does Supra signify?
What does Sur signify?
What prefixes signify Together?
What does Trans signify?
What does Tra signify?
What is the signification of Tri?
What does Ultra signify?
What does Un signify?
What is the signification of Under?
What does Ve signify?
What does Vice signify?
What does With signify?
What other signification has With in some words?
What suffixes signify "able to be"?
What suffixes signify rank, or office?
What is the signification of Age?
Has the suffix Age any other signification?
What does An signify?
What does Ana signify?
What does Ant signify?
What is the signification of the suffix Art?
What does Ary signify?
What does Ate signify?
What is the signification of Celli?
What other suffixes also signify Little?
What does Ene signify?
What is the signification of Eous?
What does Ed signify?
What is the signification of Er?
What does Erly signify?
What does Es signify?
What does Escent signify?
What does Esque signify?
What does Ess signify?
What does Est signify?
What does Head signify?
What does Ics signify?
What does Ides signify?
What is the signification of Im?
What does Ina signify?
What does Ing signify?
What is the signification of Ior?
What does Ique signify?
What is the signification of Ish?
What does Isk signify?
What does Ite signify?
What does Ive signify?
What does Ion signify?
What does Ism signify?
What does Ix signify?
What does Kin signify?
What does Kind signify?
What does Less signify?
What does Ling signify?
What does Ly signify?
What does Most signify?
What does Ment signify?
What does Ness signify?
What does Ock signify?
What does Oid signify?
What does Or signify?
What does Ory signify?
What does On signify?
What does Ous signify?
What does Ot signify?
What does Re signify?
What does Red signify?
What is the signification of Ress?
What does Ric signify?
What does Ry signify?
What does Se signify?
What does San signify?
What does Ship signify?
What does Some signify?
What does Ster signify?
What does Teen signify?
What is the signification of Tude?
What does Ty signify?
What does Ude signify?
What does Ule signify?
What does Ward signify?
What does Ways signify?
What does the suffix Y signify?
151 Are there any exceptions to the meaning of the foregoing Prefixes and Postfixes?
What is meant by the term "Good Bye"?
What does the suffix Ster signify?