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What is Spelling?
How many kinds of Spelling?
What are they?
What is Orthographic spelling?
What is Phonic spelling?
What is meant by good usage?
How do we know when we have spelled a word correctly?
What is a Lexicographer?
Can we spell by Rules?
What makes a rule in Orthography?
Why is c placed before r in acre, massacre, etc?
What is the rule for Digraphs?
Give rule for E final
What effect does final E have on the preceding vowel?
When is B silent?
When is C silent?
When is D silent?
When is G silent?
When is H silent?
When is L silent?
When is M silent?
When is N silent?
When is P silent?
When is S silent?
When is T silent?
When is V silent?
When is W silent?
When is Gh silent?
When is Ch silent?
When is Z silent?
What letters are never silent?
What is meant by Antecedent part of a syllable?
What is the Consequent part of a syllable?
How many words end in Ceed?
What are they?
How many of the English words are derived from the Latin?
What Language is called "Our mother tongue?"
From what language do we get most of our Scientific terms?
How many English words begin with IN as a prefix?
How many begin with im?
How many begin with un?
Were final E not silent, what would be the result?
When is final E dropped in spelling?
45 Why is the final E retained in such words as changeable and traceable?
In the words fleeing, seeing, etc, why retain both Es?
What is a Figure of orthography?
How many Figures are there?
What are they?
What is Archaism?
What is Mimesis?
When is i used as a consonant?
When is y final changed to e?
When is y final changed to i?
What is a Redundant prefix?
When is ie changed to y?
When use the digraph ei in spelling?
When use ie in spelling?
In changing the word hoe to hoeing, why retain the e?
What is the origin of the suffix less?
What is the origin of the word English?
Who were the Angles?
What does the word England mean?
Why is our language sometimes called the "Teutonic language"?
What kind of words end in ize?
What kind of words end in ise?
Why is the English called a Composite Language?
68 Does adding a single consonant to a word ever make an additional syllable?
Give examples
Can a word be compound and derivative at the same time?
71 How distinguish between an affix and a part of a compound word?
Is the word outside compound or derivative?
Is the word outrun compound or derivative?
What is Derivation?
How many kinds of Derivation?
What are they?
What is Paronymous derivation?
Give examples of Paronymous derivation
What is Historical derivation?
Give examples of Historical derivation
When use a, and when an, in a sentence?
Why do words in the English language become obsolete?
What is a new word?
Name some new words
What is meant by suspended animation of a word?
Give examples of suspended words
What letters are called the pivots?
Why are they so called?
What kind of new words should be avoided?
What is meant by idiom?
What is diction?
When is our diction pure?
What are Synonyms?
What is a Synonymicon?
What is meant by a reputable word?
What is an Anacoluthic word?
What is an Idiomatic word?
What is an Ideographical language?
Can there be a derivative word without an affix?
What is Dactylology?
What is the Pythagorean letter?
Why so called?